
Data Privacy

21.09.2017 / Milano


Cyber security battle extends to personal data protection

Spike Reply in collaboration with FireEye organizes the event “Cyber Security battle extends to Personal Data Protection”, the third workshop of the GDPR Roadshow.

31.05.2017 / Milan


Setting the right priorities to be gdpr ready

Spike Reply in collaboration with Target Reply and Informatica organizes the event “SETTING THE RIGHT PRIORITIES TO BE GDPR READY”. During the workshop we will give you an insight on the main data governance and data protection challenges posed by GDPR and we will provide you with a practical approach to kick-starting a successful GDPR Program, introducing also real cases.

Personal data protection

Best Practice

How Much Data are People Giving Away?

In today’s connected world, the amount of data available about an individual has increased exponentially. This white paper aims to outline the technologies being used to gather data about individuals, how this is being used and what the future could hold for data gathering.