Cloud Adoption
in Financial Services

Insights from a survey covering more than 100 financial institutions in the EU and the UK & lessons learned from 1,000 cloud projects conducted by Reply with financial institutions

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Cloud services are transforming how value is created in the finance sector

For the financial services industry the future is cloud.

This is due to factors such as increased productivity, innovation and scalability – and, at least as importantly, because moving to the cloud frees up time and energy for more strategic issues. Data storage and computing power are increasingly seen as utilities best left to firms who specialise in them.

But the progress of cloud adoption is not the same across the industry or across geographies. And many firms find their experience of cloud adoption does not match their expectations when they began the process of moving activity to the cloud.

Key insights into cloud adoption in financial services

Benefits of cloud Implementation

The adoption of cloud has
important benefits:

Scales on demand

Enables innovation

Speeds up implementation

DECREASES reliance on legacy systems

Challenges of cloud implementation

But significant challenges still face
firms that seek to adopt:

Lack of suitable suppliers

Lack of cultural readiness

Dependence on third party suppliers


FactorS affecting the timing of adoption

Timing and speed of adoption are
affected by a number of factors:

Regulatory requirements

Incompatibility with existing systems

The challenge (and opportunity) of cloud security

Security is perhaps the matter for which our survey unearthed the most striking paradox with a large percentage of respondents noting that the cloud significantly enhanced their security positions vis-à-vis traditionally hosted systems, while many respondents stressed that security concerns were among the most challenging issues encountered in transitioning to the cloud.

What explains the difference? The more experience a respondent had with the cloud the more they recognized that well executed cloud implementation can actually improve security:

Enhancing security is one
of the top 3 benefits of the cloud






Security is one of the top 3
challenges of the cloud






Cloud adoption requires an organisation-wide culture change

The speed and impact of cloud adoption are highly dependent upon the availability of the right people, the existence of the right culture, and the readiness of leaders. Getting the technology right without having the right people, culture and leadership in place will not result in the business impact and return on investment that is possible from a well-managed transition to the cloud.

The challenges of rapid cloud adoption in financial services

Relive Reply’s interactive round table on Cloud adoption in financial services. Speakers from HSBC, Imperial College, Royal Bank of Canada reviews the conclusions from our qualitative survey (ca. 30 interviews with senior leaders in financial services) and the quantitative survey (ca. 250 senior leaders in financial services in the EU and the UK) about their experiences with moving to the Cloud. This round table discusses the main findings, key insights, and unexpected outcomes of this pan-European survey.

The future of cloud adoption

‘Green’ Cloud Computing
A ‘European’ Cloud
Cloud-based Quantum Computing
Edge Computing

The cloud of today is not an ‘end-state’, but only the beginning to unlocking new innovations and accelerating technological and environmental change.

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