Icelandic Medicines Verification Organisation (ICEMVO)
"In 2017, with the implementation of EU Directive on Falsified Medicines, The Icelandic Medicines Verification Organisation (ICEMVO) chose Solidsoft Reply to deploy and operate a cost-effective blueprint system to prevent falsified medicines from entering the legal supply chain and protecting patient safety. Solidsoft Reply's medicines verification system (EMVS) was launched in February 2019, and it has functioned perfectly from day one... The team has maintained and evolved the system in close collaboration with the customers and provided excellent service.
In a complex collaboration network with each country responsible for a national systems across Europe, Solidsoft Reply's verification system has, in a cost-effective way, allowed any member of the supply chain of medicines to check the originality of any medicine against one single access point regardless of which country the data may reside. This is no small feat."
Hjörleifur Thorarinsson, General Manager. Iceland.