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22 - 24 May 2018ExCeL London
Data Reply, the Reply group company specialising in applying Advanced Analytics tools and techniques, takes part at the Strata Data Conference in London, the title of the speech: “Discovery through real-time monitoring: A case study from the automotive industry”.
Do you want to find out if the products you make and sell are efficient or if and when they will breakdown? The Data Reply experts prove how real-time monitoring is helpful in understandingthe efficiency of a product. She shares a case study from the automotive industry that outlines best practices for managing and analyzing telematic data in order to discover all the achievable benefits.
Strata Data Conference is where big data's most influential business decision makers, strategists, architects, developers, and analysts gather to shape the future of their businesses and technologies. The event is made of sessions and tracks which reflect the challenges that have emerged in the data field—including security, ubiquitous computing, collaboration, reproducibility, new interfaces, emerging architecture, building data teams, machine data.
For further information visit the event website.