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11th May 2017
Following similar agreements with the Swedish, Danish and Irish National Medicine Verification Organisations, Solidsoft Reply, the Reply group company specialising in enterprise strength solutions on the Microsoft Azure cloud platform, has signed an agreement to implement and operate the National Medicines Verification System in Slovenia; ZAPAZ.
ZAPAZ: Zavod za preverjanje avtentičnosti zdravil, meaning “Medicines Verification Institute” is a newly incorporated, not-for-profit organisation responsible for the implementation of the EU’s Falsified Medicines Directive (Directive 2011/62/EU), which mandates safety features on medicines in Europe which will provide Slovenian patients with reassurance against falsified medicines.
Slovenia joins Sweden, Denmark and Ireland in a rapidly increasing list of European markets to engage Solidsoft Reply to implement their certified national blueprint solution.
Mitja Pirman, the Managing Director of ZAPAZ commented that he and his board were looking for a modern future proofed solution, clearly demonstrated with Solidsoft Reply Blueprint System. Solidsoft’ s knowledge of the entire National Medicines Verification System and their pragmatism were the key attributes that we were looking for when selecting a long term operational partner.
The implementation of Slovenia’s National Medicines Verification System is a key measure to ensure patient safety by preventing falsified medicines from entering the legitimate medicines supply chain. The Falsified Medicines Directive published by the European Parliament and the European Commission states that each eligible medicinal product must have a unique identifier and tamper-evident seal to allow for the authentication of each medicine pack at the point of dispensing. A European Delegated Act was then passed in February 2016 which requires the full implementation of the European Medicines Verification System by February 2019.
Solidsoft Reply was previously selected by the European Medicines Verification Organisation (EMVO) to implement the European Medicines Verification Hub, enabling medicine manufacturers and parallel distributors to upload their pack data which is then routed to appropriate national systems.
The Solidsoft Reply National Blueprint solution, has been designed from the ground up to meet the exact needs of the FMD. It is implemented using the very latest Microsoft technology and platformed on the Microsoft Azure Cloud. The futureproofed solution automatically scales ensuring that the challenging response times are always able to be achieved.
The European Medicines Verification Organisation (EMVO) represent the key stakeholders in the European pharmaceutical supply chain, EFPIA, Medicines for Europe, EAEPC, GIRP and PGEU.
ZAPAZ has been established through a collaboration between key stakeholders in the pharmaceutical industry. Its founder members include: