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Turin, July 17th 2020
Reply, with its LEA ReplyTM Supply Chain Execution Suite, is proud to be recognised as a Representative Vendor in Gartner’s 2020 Market Guide for Yard Management.
According to Gartner, “recent disruptions such as COVID-19 have highlighted lack of focus in the yard. These disruptions have caused longer dwell times for carriers and other inefficiencies. This is causing a renewed interest in yard solutions.” The report further states, “The need for more automation and digitization caused by the recent disruptions and concerns around social distancing has created more visibility of the gaps that exist in many yard operations,” and “Companies are looking into YMS solutions to help close the supply chain gaps that exist in their own backyards such as long trailer wait times, unproductive personnel numbers, poorly synchronized movement of goods and ineffective dock planning”.
LEA ReplyTM Yard Management supports the execution of end-to-end yard management activities, with a comprehensive range of features like gate flow, dock scheduling, dock management and yard management.
LEA ReplyTM Yard Management (YMS) comprises of a web interface and mobile application. The solution offers maximum visibility and control, expediting inbound and outbound transits, reducing in-yard traffic and providing advanced options for yard stocking.
LEA ReplyTM YMS and LEA ReplyTM Dock Scheduling can be used as standalone applications, in parallel or incorporated with other supply chain execution solutions making up the LEA ReplyTM Suite.
The report further provides, “according to the findings in the Modern Materials Handling Annual Warehouse and Distribution Center Automation Survey: ‘The companies that want to upgrade existing or implement new SCE software in the next two years have their sights set on WMS (56%), WCS (43%), YMS (43%), TMS (41%) and warehouse execution systems (41%)’”.
Gartner subscribers can view the full report here.
Gartner, “Market Guide for Yard Management”, Simon Tunstall, Bart De Muynck, 25 June 2020.