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The Deutsche Börse AG group opens up the gateway to capital markets for companies and investors. 2,000 customers from Europe, America and Asia use this cost-effective and efficient process chain ranging from order entry to safekeeping. The trade platform Xetra® makes Deutsche Börse the second largest completely electronic spot market exchange in the world. Eurex operates the largest forward market in the world and Information Services provides capital market information such as prices, indices and statistics. As the leading infrastructure service provider for securities trading, Deutsche Börse AG employs a staff of 3,200 in different locations in Germany, Luxemburg, Switzerland and the U.S. The Deutsche Börse AG group also maintains representative offices in London, Paris, Chicago, New York, Sao Paulo, Hong Kong and Dubai. Last year, Deutsche Börse AG was admitted to the DAX index.
A growing number of providers who deal with stock exchange trading in an international environment require consistent customer orientation in all functional areas. This includes setting up customer knowledge and a consistent customer relations management. The intensification of customer commitment is based on a realistic mapping of the complex customer structures and the storage of stock exchange specific information on the customer. Evaluation of the process information that arises from participation in stock exchange trading and the listing information for various market segments and market functions must be made available for purposes of individual segmentation and addressing of the customer within the scope of marketing and campaign management. A comprehensive CRM solution is an integral component for enterprise-wide implementation of consistent customer orientation in the Deutsche Börse AG group. It is to be introduced step-by-step and will gradually replace the existing applications.
The focal point of the initial project phase lay in the implementation of stock exchange-specific business partner structures, the implementation of customer relationship management via e-mail, regular mail,and telephone plus the integration of the SAP® CRM solution into the existing system environment. This phase entailed the modeling of a group-wide business partner with mapping of listing information and a history of the participant; mapping of the complex customer structures and -building on this - the conception and implementation of a marketing and campaign management system and configuration of the Customer Interaction Center for the Help Desk and Complaint Management. Integration into the processes of Deutsche Börse that extend beyond the system is ensured by means of the connection to SAP® R/3®, Lotus Notes and the administration system for stock exchange participants. This initialphase of the solution individually addresses approximately 30,000 companies and 95,000 individuals in about 175 marketing campaigns as well as 600 circulars per year in target groups with up to 2,000 customers.
In a joint project team together with the strategic partners of Deutsche Börse AG and the Office Automation department, Syskoplan Reply has supported the conception and realization of the stock exchange-specific business partner. Syskoplan Reply is prepared to take responsibility for the implementation of marketing and campaign management as well as for the realization of the stock exchange-specific segmentation. Syskoplan Reply has additionally been intensively involved in coordinating the development and realizing functional extensions based on SAP® CRM technology, and in the entire system integration.