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7 - 8 April 2016
Rome, The Church Palace
Reply takes part in Dimensione Cliente, the ABI institutional event on Retail dedicated to the relationship between the Bank and the Retail Customer, now in its tenth edition. The event analyses the complex process from the preliminary analysis of customer needs to the final step of sale; as well as retention, customer experience and customer satisfaction.
The Millennials, subjected to rapid and pervasive social, behavioural and attitudinal changes, are showing inconsistency more than any other generations. In this context, the banking sector risks to be disrupted by these changes, in negative terms.
On the first day, Reply holds the speech "Millenials and Banks: “disintermediation” risk or incentive to innovate the sector?" within the session "Bank for young customers: Millennials guide us" (16.20 to 18.20). The speech focuses on how banks, in a complex environment, should leverage on some features of this hyper-connected and digital generation to change their service and distribution models and define a strategy that will ensure the economic sustainability of their business.
For further information: Dimensione Cliente 2016.