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October, 18, 2018FieraMilanocity, Milan
Syskoplan Reply and Portaltech Reply take part in SAP NOW, the new format of the SAP Forum. This event takes place in Milan on October 18th 2018. SAP Forum is an annual gathering focused on current and future topics relating to Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, IoT and Cloud within the SAP world.
During the day, Syskoplan Reply will hold a speech titled: SAP S / 4HANA CLOUD: the paradigm for a new Business Readiness.
Through which it presents the current market context that increasingly exposes companies to complex scenarios. The change is always faster and variously rapid with the variability and speed of market scenarios and the demands of the business.
The two companies of the Reply group are present at their own exhibition stand to meet customers and present their innovative solutions.
Syskoplan Reply is also present at the SAP Showcase as a winner of the SAP Cloud Platform Challenge 2018 to let SAP NOW customers experience the developed experience.
For further information and to register: SAP NOW