

White Paper

IBOR: The Strategic Backbone of Modern Asset Management

In today’s asset management industry, where firms operate across diverse asset classes, jurisdictions, and regulatory environments, the Investment Book of Record (IBOR) has become a critical enabler of operational resilience, investment agility, and regulatory compliance. This white paper provides a deep dive into IBOR selection and implementation strategies.

Case Study

Internal Audit of the ICLAAP

The client, an independent and privately-owned banking group which provides private banking services, wanted an external expert to support their internal audit team. In particular, the client wanted to review and provide assurance that their Internal Capital & Liquidity Adequacy Assessment Process (ICLAAP) is in line with the latest regulatory requirements and best market practices.

ICT and Third-Party Risk Management

Briefing Note

BaFin Implementation Guidelines on DORA

This paper summarizes BaFin's September 2024 guidelines on implementing DORA in Germany’s financial sector, highlighting key differences in ICT and third-party risk management. It outlines actions for firms to align with DORA’s broader resilience requirements in governance, IT operations, and security.

AI Risk Management in Finance

Briefing Note

AI Risk Management: Observed Industry Priorities for Financial Institutions

Financial institutions are prioritizing AI risk management, regulatory alignment, and governance in H2 2024. As AI adoption grows, firms are addressing risks like data quality, model transparency, and privacy while preparing for evolving regulations. This report highlights industry priorities and the need for clear strategies to manage AI risks and drive innovation.

Case Study

Credit Risk Reporting Automation

The client, a major banking group offering a broad range of credit facilities to its corporate and institutional clients as well as its retail clients. These facilities include bilateral and syndicated loans in the form of term or revolving facilities in addition to bonds, letter of guarantees and other types of facilities. Since the Bank was producing all of its Credit Risk related reports manually, they required assistance in report process automation.

Case Study

BCBS239 program

The client, a private bank, had to comply with the BCBS239 regulation. As an action plan, a BCBS239 implementation program has been activated.Avantage Reply Luxembourg was invited to accompany the organization during this journey.

Case Study

Internal Audit Credit Support

The client, a major banking group specialising in offering a broad range of credit facilities to its corporate and retail clients, including residential and commercial real estate loans among its offerings. Since the Bank had a strategy to enlarge its credit exposure in the real estate portfolio, an audit mission was conducted at the Group level to verify all aspects related to the real estate lending portfolio.

Case Study

Support to the Chief Compliance Officer

The client, a major player in the fund industry, contacted Avantage Reply seeking assistance to its Chief Compliance Officer. Indeed, as part of a fast-changing environment and due to new activities and projects being launched, the client needed Avantage Reply to bring expertise in covering all compliance topics of its "Business as Usual" activities as well as to assist and advise on its new Fund Dealing projects. 

Case Study

Large Exposure & Connected Clients

The objective of this project was the identification of ‘connected clients’ as clients so closely linked by idiosyncratic risk factors that it is prudent to treat them as a Single Risk. The client is a leading multinational private bank and financial services company. 

White Paper


Over recent years the interest rate environment within the EU and UK has significantly changed, with banks standing to gain significantly from a widening Net Interest Margin, however as interest rates stabilise and some predict a reduction in the future, this margin is beginning to tighten, but through the use of innovative techniques and processes, banks can increase efficiency and maximise their effectiveness in the credit process.

Case Study

ICLAAP and Pillar 3 reports

The client, a banking institution specialised in financing of companies in Luxembourg, requested Avantage Reply's assistance in preparing and improving their Internal Capital and Liquidity Adequacy Assessment Process (ICLAAP) as well Pillar 3 report, and then based on the recommendations, align the reports with the regulatory requirements.


Briefing Note

Chief Risk Officers: A 100 Day Plan for Impact at Scale

An overview of the key incentives for CROs to develop a robust first 100 day plan and major risks that can materialise from ineffective initial navigation of the role.

Guide to Effective RDARR

Briefing Note

Data governance framework, including the role of the 'validation function'

On 3rd May 2024, the ECB released its Guide on Effective Risk Data Aggregation and Risk Reporting (RDARR), relating to the Principles adopted by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCSB239). The ECB outlined its supervisory expectations across seven key areas; this one-pager focuses on the ECB's expectations regarding the data governance framework in Significant Institutions (SIs).


Briefing Note


In an era marked by rapid globalization and technological advancement, combating money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) has become imperative for maintaining the integrity of financial systems worldwide. Nowhere is this challenge more pronounced than in the European Union, a region characterized by diverse economies and interconnected financial networks.


Briefing Note


On 3rd May 2024, the ECB released its Guide on Effective Risk Data Aggregation and Risk Reporting (RDARR), relating to the Principles adopted by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCSB239). The ECB outlined its supervisory expectations across seven key areas; this one-pager focuses on the ECB’s expectations regarding the scope of application of BCBS239 in Significant Institutions (SIs).

Guide to Effective RDARR

Briefing Note


On 3rd May 2024, the ECB released its Guide on Effective Risk Data Aggregation and Risk Reporting (RDARR). Among seven areas considered prerequisites for sound data governance and effective processes for identifying, monitoring, and reporting risks, the ECB placed at the forefront the responsibilities of the Management Body of Significant Institutions (SIs).


Briefing Note


On 3rd May 2024, the ECB released its Guide on Effective Risk Data Aggregation and Risk Reporting. Aimed at addressing deficiencies and guiding institutions toward significant improvements, the Guide delineates the ECB's supervisory expectations. Avantage Reply offers specialised support to Significant Institutions (SIs) and interested Less Significant Institutions (LSIs) in navigating and implementing the principles of BCBS239.

Crypto Asset

Briefing Note


Crypto-assets and DLT technology are consolidating in the financial industry. Avantage Reply brings the right skill-set to support banks and financial institutions in embracing with innovation and new business models meanwhile managing risks and uncertainty.


Briefing Note

AML package

Fresh from the presses! A tidal wave is looming on the horizon of the AML landscape: the first European Regulation on AML/CFT, an independent and autonomous authority specific to AML... 2024 will be a landmark for financial crime regulation!The GRC Team is proud to present an in-depth look at the AML Package set to be adopted by the end of the year.

Briefing Note

Six Design Principles for Bank Risk and Control Operating Model Transformations in 2024

This briefing note functions as a starting point for banks’ senior management to identify key priorities and design decisions for risk and control target operating model (TOM) transformations in 2024. It has been developed by identifying the key supervisory priorities of the UK and EU regulators, analysing strategic risk management trends in the industry, and leveraging Avantage Reply’s insights from developing target operating models for a range of risk and control functions at some of the most significant financial institutions across Europe.

Case Study

Risk Support

Avantage Reply provided support to the Risk department of a custodian bank that operates at an international level. The goal was to help with the completion of the department’s daily tasks and any upcoming projects