The Gate Flow module covers the management of all yard reception activities, i.e. control and registration of vehicle flows in and out of the yard.
Automated interactions between yard networks – i.e. hubs, production facilities and distribution centres – are also supported.
The key features of this module are: check in, direction and check out.
Click Reply™ Yard Management can be used to analyse incoming vehicles and their scheduled date and time of arrival, comparing this with the actual arrival time, and also for entering the estimated vehicle arrival time. Check-in can be used to log all relevant data required for tracking purposes, such as the carrier, truck, trailer, driver and activities assigned to the vehicle at the yard. During this phase, the system performs a series of checks, following which the vehicle may be admitted to the yard or denied entry, for example because it is blacklisted, or queued if it is late.
Vehicles at reception can be directed to a parking location in the yard or to a loading/unloading bay. This can be done automatically by the system or manually by the user. If done manually, the system checks that the vehicle has been directed properly, depending on the activities to be performed by the vehicle and the location status.
Checkout consists of controlling and recording vehicles leaving the yard. During this phase, the system performs a series of checks, following which the vehicle is either allowed to exit the yard, or is held and redirected, for example because not all scheduled activities have been completed.