Knowing how the inbound goods process is performing is fundamental in order to ensure that resources are assigned in a balanced way to the right activities, to monitor the quality of the supply and to determine and compare trends according to the different drivers.
This app provides a vertical view of the inbound goods' KPIs, from reception in its various forms (from supplier, production, other sites, customer returns, etc..), to creating the loading unit, quality and quantity control of the goods received, depositing the goods in stock rather than in areas for immediate fulfilment and shipping.
Although maximum attention and most KPIs are typically focused on processes relating to outbound goods from the warehouse, as these have a direct impact on customer service, the importance of the quality, timelines and accuracy of inbound goods must not be underestimated, because they have a strong influence on the effectiveness and efficiency of order fulfilment.
The pre-configured set of dashboards allows the following to be determined and analysed in particular: