Using work orders received from the interface or imported from Excel and indicating the kit to produce (or to break up) or the different base, or internal generation of orders from the different base, Click Reply™ WM supports and checks kitting both for successive warehouse deposits and for pre-dispatch operations.
Scanning serial numbers in reception, delivery and shipment processes, with formal and coherence controls against serial numbers for articles already accepted and/or dispatched; block by serial numbers, article, customer etc. Integration with Kitting / De-Kitting, VAS, Labeling, Component back-flushing.
Preparation of products for shipping in special configurations (e.g. finished products accompanied by free gifts or instruction booklets, or simply packaging materials) or reprocessing for repackaging of incoming materials according to specific customer requirements.
Control of components and automatic download of components on deposit of the finished product.
Labels for Items, kitting, de-kitting, VAS, serial numbers, according to specific requirements. Content and layout can be configured by the user.