The Task & Work module is the Brain of the Labour Management system. It describes in detail the individual steps required to form a work activity as a whole. Based on this analytical description, an assessment will be made of the efficiency and productivity of individual workers and work teams, based on the work actually done.
The module consists of the following basic functions:
It allows the details of the items involved to be entered, including basic processes, secondary processes, work categories, types of work and methods of work (web, radio frequency, voice, etc..).
It allows the various types of Task to be described, with a definition of their structure and how they are performed. A sequence of multiple tasks will form a work activity. For each task, you can define the theoretical unit times of reference, the calculation rules and/or the presence of displacement components. The definition will allow the specific goal time of each individual task, and therefore of the work as a whole, to be determined when the WM sends the details of work to be performed.
Starting from the logical map of the warehouse, you can define all the physical and dimensional features of the warehouse (such as aisle size, shelf height, directions of travel, permitted routes, vehicle speed, etc..), allowing you to calculate accurately the goal time for the work displacement component, to and from specific locations or areas.
This is the final step in the configuration of a work activity, where the multi-level task description is associated with the events that allow it to be measured. After configuration, you will be able to intercept the various operational activities performed with the WMS, both direct and indirect, break them down into individual tasks and measure them.